A Stinky Situation is the second segment of the second episode of T.O.T.S..[1]
Pip & his best pal have trouble playing with a baby skunk, but this proves to be a challenge becauses he smells awful.
The episode begins with Freddy & Pip deciding on what to eat for lunch from the cafeteria, & commenting on how good the food smells. Freddy comments that Pip sure has a good sniffer. Pip thanks Freddy when all of a sudden, Pip smells something stinky. Freddy thinks it's him forgetting to take a bath, but luckily Pip says that it isn't coming from him! He & his best buddy sniff around the cafeteria, Captain Beakman, & even Mr. Woodbird, who is painting the runway while wearing a paint mask. Freddy smells the stench, & the duo tracks it to the nursery. That's where K.C tells them that the stink is coming from a baby skunk whose name is Scooter. Scooter wakes up from his nap & he instantly wants someone to play catch with him. However, his stink ends up making some of the babies run away from him. Pip's best pal also runs away when Scooter uses his tail to throw the ball. K.C then tells Pip & Freddy that she has some good news & some bad news. The good news is that there is only one group of animals who can easily tackle Scooter's putrid stench: his Forever Family. The bad news is that because there are so many deliveries that day, Scooter won't be able to be delivered by them until the end of the day. K.C takes some puppies for their walk and tells the pair that she'll see them later. Meanwhile, Freddy & Pip have decided to find a way to play ball with Scooter. Freddy is uncertain about this at first, but Pip tells him they will find a way to play with him because according to the T.O.T.S instruction manual, it says that: "Here at T.O.T.S, every baby deserves someone to play with lots & lots." The manual also has some practical advice on how to deal with a skunk: "If you have a baby skunk, don't despair. Take the tot outside for some fresh air." So Scooter,Freddy & Pip head out to the runway. The trio try to play catch, but Scooter (being a baby) can't throw the ball very far, and when Freddy & Pip try to get closer, the duo are repelled by Scooter's stench. Then, they try to mask Scooter's odor by covering him in lots of nice smelling flowers. However, they didn't work either. They finally decide to give him a bath to try and make him smell good. But, like the fresh air and the flowers......it ends up failing big time! At this point, Freddy & Pip are at their wits end because Pip notes that they've tried the 3 basic things to get this little nugget to stop smelling so putrid: fresh air, flowers & a bath! They admit that nothing has worked so far. Freddy says that they'll will never be able to play with Scooter. Scooter then gets sad after hearing the word "never", so he gets sad & runs away to the runway. Pip & Freddy after him, but when they get there; Scooter's stench causes 3 fliers & J.P. to not be able to take off. J.P. then asks the pair if they are responsible for Scooter. The pair want to answer, but then Captain Beakman arrives on the scene & asks Freddy & Pip what's going on. Freddy & Pip tell Captain Beakman all about the skunk situation to the boss by explaining that they wanted to cheer Scooter up by playing with him, but they made him feel worse all because of his stench. The pair then apologize to their boss. She then understands & tells the pair they have nothing to be sorry about because all they did was the right thing and she & Pip even repeated the line from the instruction manual: "Here at T.O.T.S, every baby deserves someone to play with lots & lots!" The head honcho makes the call that no one is to take off until everybody shows this baby that they do want to play with him. (This naturally infuriates J.P.) While trying to come up with a way to handle Scooter's stench, Mr. Woodbird (still wearing his paint mask) comes & he actually pets Scooter. It turns out that Mr. Woodbird had been wearing his paint mask this entire time & that alone actually protected his nostrils & of course, himself from the fumes of the paint, & naturally, Scooter's awful stench. Pip & Freddy get a pair of paint masks from Mr. Woodbird for themselves, & finally manage to play with Scooter's ball. Finally, the end of the day has arrived & Scooter is delivered to his family by Pip & Freddy. Scooter's siblings are all excited that their baby brother is here & they decide to all play ball with him. The episode ends with Pip & Freddy joining the skunk kids for one last round of catch.
Skunks only smell bad if they're scared or nervous. Scooter, his folks & his siblings didn't seem nervous or even scared for that matter. So, for Scooter & his forever family to smell bad constantly; it does not make any sense!